While Github Pages provides convenient Jekyll hosting, it comes with a strange side effect. Traditional blogging shows only the end result to visitors, ie. the posts and the layout as of the latest state. Github Pages-powered blogs also have a public backing repository.

This makes all the code, sources of posts, and themes visible to everybody. It makes it easy to duplicate; just check out the repository, and you have everything I have on this page.

The full history is also present. It brings a strange feeling that someone can analyze my commits and infer something that gives a bad impression of me. Maybe after looking at the commit times, one might jump to the conclusion that I’m lazy because I leave writing to the end of the day.

Also everyone can see the evolution of the contents. The first pages along with the first titles and descriptions are buried in the git history. The stages of development can be reproduced; after years of writing it’s always interesting to see the beginnings and what came after.

It’s an interesting concept for sure. I’m looking forward to reread these lines a year from now.